
Premium High Quality Acupuncture Needles made by Acupuncturists for Acupuncturists.

Prime Needles are made from the highest quality surgical grade stainless steel using advanced manufacturing facilities and in close collaboration with universities, institutions and TCM Practitioners.

The needles’ metal handles achieve ultimate result of electrical conductivity and moxibustion use, while their smooth but sharp tip ensures an easy and painless insertion.

Available Dimensions:
0.16×15, 0.16×25, 0.16×30, 0.18×25, 0.18×30, 0.18×40, 0.20×30, 0.20×40, 0.25×25, 0.25×30, 0.25×40, 0.25×60,0.25×75

Gamma Ray Sterilized – ISO13485 CE0197